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(drafting a proposal)

Stable is a map for digital preservation, that preserves elements with an "stable or permanent" ID. It is a source of Permanent IDs and to download the last stable version of the map.
It is also an stable URL,{name_or_ID}, for the Permanent ID and name resolution.

Stable elements of the map
Elements with more tham 1 year, representating the same Map Feature, that not changed its central Geohash and not changed its definition-tags (main stable tags like type="boundary", type="route", etc. and a tag with key:wikidata).
Stable ID of a Map Feature
Any official ID (eg. all official Brazilian administrative boundary have an ID named IBGE-ID) or valid Wikidata ID value in its wikidata-key. It can be used in a stable URL to redirect to the URL of the element.
Stable names of a Map Feature
Tipically a official name (eg. prefixes of lex URNs of juristictions) or official abbreviation (eg. ISO 3166‑1 alpha‑2).


All, names and IDs demonstred here, are Persistent Place Identifiers. The testing URL-template is{name_or_ID}

Scope INT - International

Example , a two-country (Argentina and Brasil) bridge, the Fraternity Bridge.

Scope BR - Brazil

See map at or

The ":" notation is for jurisdiction:authority, while the separators "-" or ";" are for jurisdiction hierarchy. Solves also the same codes with a URN LEX prefix, "urn:lex:".

Examples of name-resolution of official names and official-codes:

name_type # of names Examples and comments
abbrev 32 ISO 3166 subcodes of the BR code, like BR-AC, BR-AL,BR-AM,..., BR-SE, BR-SP, BR-RJ,... and regions like BR:N, BR:CE.
id-ibge 5597 All state or city numbers defined by the IBGE authority. BR-AM is br:ibge:13, BR-SP is br:ibge:35.
City numbers: BR-AM-Manaus is br:ibge:1302603, BR-SP-Campinas is br:ibge:3509502.
lex-label 5597 The same above with optional lex prefix (eg. urn:lex:br;ac) and ";" hierarchy-separator. All city-names can be extense, with "." replacing spaces: br;am;manaus, BR-SP-Campinas is br;sp;campinas.

Examples of Gehash resolution

All IDs and names are transformed into a OSM element-pointer (<osm_type,osm_id>) and each element have its center, so there are a latitude/longitude coordinate and a Geohash representation for it. The OSM elements with Wikidata tag are few compared with all other ones, so, in general they are unique in the resolution table. When there are more tham one the interface shows a desambiguation page.

Some examples: ...

Examples of ID-resolution

All are Wikidara-IDs (wd_id) and are the "default namespace" of the URL, can be refered as "Q155" or "155".

wd_id to Wikidata OSM type Name wd_id to Map
Q171617 relation city of Campinas (SP)
Q40040 relation state of Amazonas
Q1140639 way Piracicaba river (born SP)
Q2739838 relation federal BR-116 road
Q45225844 node monument at São Paulo, Estátua do Borba Gato

There are already thousands of Wikidata references at OSM, following some statistics of the current distribution:

elememt type # of Elements with wd_id # of distinct wd_id's % distincts
node 4168 4044 97
relation 6099 6025 99
way 1568 1110 71
osm_type feature_type n_direct n_total Directs
n 4166 4166 100%
r boundary 5302 5331 99%
r multipolygon 428 433 99%
r route 167 186 90%
r waterway 117 117 100%
r public_transport 58 58 100%
r route_master 17 17 100%
r site 3 3 100%
w 1248 49375 3%
w primary 119 10353 1%
w trunk 94 2299 4%
w waterway 28 62 45%
w secondary 21 1810 1%
w service 15 165 9%
w tertiary 14 1441 1%
w motorway 13 3900 0%
w residential 12 643 2%
w boundary 2 8 25%